Welcome to OskarWolski.xyz!
This is a page about our beloved fool, Oskar Wolski (known as "x_misiek_x")
Let's start from the beginning,
a bit of backstory
Oskar is known for his YouTube channel under the name "BypassConfigYT". He started his channel a few years ago, and now he's known for his skidded projects, breaking server rules, crashing, and cheating. Recently, Oskar became an internet meme, so we decided to make this page to clarify many issues and lies surrounding the BypassConfig group. So let's start! Oh and I forgot about the most important thing, BypassConfig discord squad: x_misiek_x (Oskar Wolski), idk1ware (The most braindead kid), Janusz (Amazing skidder)
Our new collab!
Check out our collab website here
Wow! BypassConfig on air? no shit!
Drunk steam, thats right! Check out some new content made by our beloved alcoholic Oskar
Also check out his live which is saved by our team (credits @xyz) fire link
Remember, Oskar is very strong!
Breaking news! Skidded client?
Yes! Oskar and his team did gread job again! Check out some proof ofc
Looking for it? Here!Wait what?
Nothing here? sus
Oh shit! ChatGPT bypasses?